Apr 5, 2018 | Migraine Relief
For the first time in a long time, Mary is finally experiencing fewer migraines. Her last one was more than six weeks ago. Prior to following Engineering Radiance’s six-session, one-to-one health coaching program, Mary’s migraines were more frequent. Now, they are...
Mar 29, 2018 | Interviews, Migraine Relief
There is less than one headache specialist for every 85,000 patients in the US (not people – patients!). This ratio is similar or worse in other countries around the world. For the vast majority of us this means we need to work with someone who hasn’t...
Feb 26, 2018 | Migraine, Migraine Causes, Migraine Relief, Other Headaches
8 Ways To Beat Winter Weather Headaches Do you get more frequent headaches when the weather turns cold, dry and blustery? Headaches and migraines brought on by or aggravated by changes in the weather are one of the top things we get asked about in our workshops and...
Feb 19, 2018 | Migraine, Migraine Causes, Migraine Relief, Other Headaches
Tens of millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches and many of them find that they seem to get headaches when watching TV or using the computer for extended period of time. As a society, we are pretty glued to screens for both work and leisure, so while...
Nov 20, 2017 | Migraine Causes, Migraine Relief
If only there were a proven way to reduce headache pain in seconds… Oh wait, you’ve tried everything known to man for headaches and migraines and been disappointed… Hoping for a natural (much less free or fast) solution is for dreamers, right? It...
Oct 28, 2017 | Interviews, Migraine, Migraine Relief
Do you frequently experience any of the following in addition to migraines? Underlying uneasiness Feeling worried often Ruminating thoughts Overanalyzing situations Feeling stuck in fight or flight mode Getting stressed over things that other people think aren’t a big...